BIFF: Handling the Narcissist

BIFF: Handling the Narcissist

A single hostile email, text, or an unkind comment can leave you feeling vulnerable, emotionally overwhelmed, and at the verge of breaking down. You’d either feel too drained to respond, or extremely angry towards the other person. But, what’s the best way to react? Would ignoring the comments or confronting aggressively put an end to …

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Narcissists and Their Hoovering Tactics

Narcissists and Their Hoovering Tactics

Individuals suffering from Narcissistic personality disorder often lack a solid sense of self. They harbor an over-inflated ego which feeds on the feelings and emotions of friends, colleagues, and family members so that the narcissist feels admired, adored, affirmed, nurtured, and, in some cases, feared as well. A narcissist, at all times, needs their ego …

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Losing Friends Over Opinions

Politics, Thoughts, and Contrasting Perceptions

Not everyone has the luxury of being apolitical or desensitized toward the political problems concerning the general population. Matters such as separating migrant children from their parents, denying proper medical treatment to members of the LGBTQ community, and eliminating EPA guidelines aren’t insignificant, especially for those without the privilege of staying unaffected whether one party …

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Grieving Childlessness – Miscarriage, Infertility, and Neonatal Loss

Grieving Childlessness – Miscarriage, Infertility, and Neonatal Loss

Those on an infertility journey are accompanied by no one else but the silent grief of loss that fills up their whole existence. Even if one tries, there is no avoiding the suffering as you get drowned in the murmurs of “everything would be fine” and “you can always adopt”, while trying your best to …

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Grey Rock Your Way Out!

Grey Rock Your Way Out!

Being in any relationship with someone who suffers from narcissistic personality disorder can be, without a doubt, an immensely grueling and life draining, experience. A narcissist would rather lose a limb than lose control. They’ll manipulate and lie to get their way, even if it is a bad idea and they know it. A narcissist …

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Green With Envy

Understanding the Feelings of Jealousy in Narcissists

Narcissistic abuse affects over 158 million people in the U.S. alone, and a majority of these narcissists are absolute control freaks. They try to possess and own their partners, friends, children, accomplices, and almost every single person in their lives. Voice your concerns and you’d find yourself trapped in a whirlwind of narcissistic abuse. The …

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Do Leopards Change Their Spots?

Do Leopards Change Their Spots?

Are you in a relationship with someone who’s completely narcissistic? Do you suspect they’re cheating on you? They might be! Narcissistic individuals crave constant attention to validate their worth and condone their actions. This is all governed by a very twisted thought process. Narcissistic partners cheat at a much higher rate than many other people. …

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Eating Disorders and Covid-19: Isolation, Anxiety, and Uncontrollable Urges

Eating Disorders and Covid-19: Isolation, Anxiety, and Uncontrollable Urges

As the mandatory COVID-19 lockdowns began and the world launched into a temporary shutdown, mental health issues started escalating while the effects of isolation materialized in the form of elevated stress levels, increased anxiety, and mental breakdowns. Without their daily dose of social interaction, those who were already suffering from eating disorders such as Anorexia …

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COVID-19 and Suicide

COVID-19 and Suicide

As the world shuts down and the government imposed lockdowns attempt to save the general public from a life-threatening virus, the mental health of those already under stress has deteriorated even more. COVID-19 has not just killed thousands of humans within a few months, it has also pushed a huge number of stressed-out individuals to …

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