Happy New Year: How to Protect Yourself from a Narcissist

Happy New Year: How to Protect Yourself from a Narcissist

Living with a narcissist can make your life miserable. But it’s even worse if you must spend any moment of the holiday season with them. The narcissist in your family tree may be a parent, an adult child, even an in-law. Whoever it is means putting up with their incessant need for attention, their self-aggrandizement, …

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The Narcissistic Holiday: 3 Simple Strategies to Preserve your Peace

The Narcissistic Holiday: What to Do?

If you had to explain your narcissist family member in one word, what would you say? Self-centered, egomaniac, bigheaded, or all three? Whatever you think about the narcissist in your life, one thing about them is true for sure – they ruin the holidays – EVERY SINGLE TIME! Narcissists and bad parenting / bad behavior …

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The 3 Main Types of Personality Disorders

What is a Personality Disorder?

It was in the year 1801 when the concept of Personality Disorders was first introduced by a psychiatrist named Philippe Pinel. Later, the concept evolved to include 3 clusters/types of disorders with 10 disorders in total. What is a Personality Disorder? Personality disorders make one think, feel, and behave differently than others. In other words, …

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Micromanipulation Tactics – Eyes Wide Shut

What is Micromanipulation? How Do Narcissists Do It?

Narcissists are a tough bunch. It’s not just hard to live with them, it can be impossible and unbearable. The company of a Narcissist can drive you mad in a short time period, sometimes happening without you even realizing it! What is Micromanipulation? How Do Narcissists Do It? Whether a person has been diagnosed with …

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The Aging Narcissist – The Older, The Bitter

The Aging Narcissist – The Older, The Bitter

They say the only worse thing than having to deal with a Narcissist, is having to deal with an aging one. Narcissist are desperately self-centered people. Their craving for attention and drama is never-ending. And they can go to all ends just to make sure they’re seen, heard, and most importantly, obeyed. A Narcissist sets …

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Mirror Mirror – Is Your Narcissist Mirroring You?

What is Narcissistic Mirroring?

Their inflated ego and sense of superiority is a sign of their unstable identity. Narcissists don’t just think they’re better than most, but they’re also in dire need of acceptance and validation from others. In other words, a narcissist will always want to hear their name being cheered. Regardless of the situation, they’ll want you …

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How the Narcissist Lures Prey

How the Narcissist Lures Prey

Self-absorbed, unempathetic and utterly selfish, narcissists rarely ever mean what they say. They always be focus on trying to control, manipulate, and abuse you either physically, emotionally, or in some cases, even financially. If you’ve been unfortunate enough to end up in a toxic relationship with someone who continuously praises him/herself, is extremely self-righteous, has …

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