Mirror Mirror – Is Your Narcissist Mirroring You?

Their inflated ego and sense of superiority is a sign of their unstable identity.

Narcissists don’t just think they’re better than most, but they’re also in dire need of acceptance and validation from others.

In other words, a narcissist will always want to hear their name being cheered. Regardless of the situation, they’ll want you to acknowledge them, praise them, and never to question their superiority over yourself.

What is Narcissistic Mirroring?

People with Narcissistic Personality Disorder don’t have a stable sense of identity. Their idea of self-worth relies highly on how others see them and what people say about them. Which is why narcissists are always in a continuous hunt for acceptance and validation from external sources – friends, lovers, subordinates, siblings, and even their own children.

Mirroring, or reflecting the behavior of another person is a common trait among narcissists. They study the person from whom they desire acceptance, and suddenly start reflecting his/her personality traits.

For instance, if you’re in relationship with a narcissist, they may attempt to like everything you do and behave in a similar manner as you. If you go to gym, are into gardening, love chocolates, they’re into it all too!

Why Do Narcissist Mirror You?

There are three primary reasons to why people with NPD may mirror your actions:

  1. They don’t have a stable identity of their own and are trying on yours.
  2. They want to be acknowledged and be loved by you, so they’re reflecting the behavior they think you want to see.
  3. They lack genuine feelings of love and affection, hence are faking intimacy.

In any case, narcissistic mirroring is a way of manipulation. Before things get out of hand, it’s best to ‘grey-rock’ your way out of any relationship with a narcissist, because their tactics will only become more invasive.

Bottom line: Stay connected to your virtual counselor so you remain on an even keel.