How to Put an End to a Narcissist Holiday Stalker

Narcissist Holiday Stalker

The most horrible thing narcissists do is that they NEVER leave you alone. Whether it’s your narcissist ex, a colleague, or even a self-obsessed friend, they won’t easily let you ‘grey-rock’ your way out of the relationship without constant attempts to lure you back in. They’ll follow you everywhere, trying to ‘hoover’ you back into …

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Bullies In the Family? Here’s How to Stay Strong

Bullies In the Family? Here’s How to Stay Strong

Let’s face it, getting bullied and being ostracized doesn’t end with your teenage years, especially if you’re living with a bully at home. If you’ve ever felt targeted by any of your family members, emotionally abused, and intimidated to the level where you’re forced to believe that something’s truly wrong with you, then you know …

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Narcissists and Their Hoovering Tactics

Narcissists and Their Hoovering Tactics

Individuals suffering from Narcissistic personality disorder often lack a solid sense of self. They harbor an over-inflated ego which feeds on the feelings and emotions of friends, colleagues, and family members so that the narcissist feels admired, adored, affirmed, nurtured, and, in some cases, feared as well. A narcissist, at all times, needs their ego …

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Green With Envy

Understanding the Feelings of Jealousy in Narcissists

Narcissistic abuse affects over 158 million people in the U.S. alone, and a majority of these narcissists are absolute control freaks. They try to possess and own their partners, friends, children, accomplices, and almost every single person in their lives. Voice your concerns and you’d find yourself trapped in a whirlwind of narcissistic abuse. The …

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Do Leopards Change Their Spots?

Do Leopards Change Their Spots?

Are you in a relationship with someone who’s completely narcissistic? Do you suspect they’re cheating on you? They might be! Narcissistic individuals crave constant attention to validate their worth and condone their actions. This is all governed by a very twisted thought process. Narcissistic partners cheat at a much higher rate than many other people. …

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Trauma Bonding: What Is It? And How to Break Free?

Trauma Bonding: What is it and How to Break Free?

Yes, falling in love with your captor is possible and it’s no different than being held hostage. If you find yourself unable to get out of an abusive relationship, or have stayed in unhealthy relationships before, there’s a possibility you may be “stuck” as a result of the trauma bond. This type of survival strategy …

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Divorce and COVID-19

Divorce and COVID-19

Divorce can already be tough for those involved. Unfortunately COVID-19 is making it more difficult and stressful. People are spending more times in their homes, with their families, partners, etc. It might enlighten problems between a couple, or they might already have issues in their relationship but being stuck together unable to see other people …

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