Green With Envy

Understanding the Feelings of Jealousy in Narcissists

Narcissistic abuse affects over 158 million people in the U.S. alone, and a majority of these narcissists are absolute control freaks. They try to possess and own their partners, friends, children, accomplices, and almost every single person in their lives. Voice your concerns and you’d find yourself trapped in a whirlwind of narcissistic abuse. The …

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Do Leopards Change Their Spots?

Do Leopards Change Their Spots?

Are you in a relationship with someone who’s completely narcissistic? Do you suspect they’re cheating on you? They might be! Narcissistic individuals crave constant attention to validate their worth and condone their actions. This is all governed by a very twisted thought process. Narcissistic partners cheat at a much higher rate than many other people. …

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Eating Disorders and Covid-19: Isolation, Anxiety, and Uncontrollable Urges

Eating Disorders and Covid-19: Isolation, Anxiety, and Uncontrollable Urges

As the mandatory COVID-19 lockdowns began and the world launched into a temporary shutdown, mental health issues started escalating while the effects of isolation materialized in the form of elevated stress levels, increased anxiety, and mental breakdowns. Without their daily dose of social interaction, those who were already suffering from eating disorders such as Anorexia …

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Teacher Mental Health and Wellbeing

Teacher Mental Health and wellbeing

Are you even a teacher if you didn’t break down and cry during your first week back to school this year? Being a teacher is unbelievably hard and incredibly stressful. Teachers work endless hours beyond the school day, with low compensation, infrequent praise, and the pressure of increased demands being dumped on them by non-educators. …

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Schools and Mental Health: Is Your Child’s Mental Hygiene Being Neglected?

Schools and Mental Health: Is Your Child’s Mental Hygiene Being Neglected?

For those who think a mental illness is “all in your head”, specifically when it comes to young children and adolescents, know that research shows a child’s ability to function can be easily impeded by emotional stress. There have been numerous incidents of kids failing to keep up with their studies because their mental health …

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What are Flying Monkeys? Why Do Narcissists Use Them?

What are Flying Monkeys? Why Do Narcissists Use Them?

Is there a narcissistic Wicked Witch in your life? Beware! She may have her own “flying monkeys” as well. A term coined from the popular movie “The Wizard of Oz”, flying monkey refers to someone who orbits around a narcissist, obeying their orders and doing all the dirty work for them. These people are somewhat …

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What Is Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS)?

What is TMS? Does it Actually Work?

Do you feel defeated by chronic, never ending, medication resistant depression? Has your depression taken a toll on your daily life and relationships, changing the way you feel, think, or behave? If the medications with psychotherapy doesn’t seem to be working, the way it used to, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) may be something to explore …

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Trauma Bonding: What Is It? And How to Break Free?

Trauma Bonding: What is it and How to Break Free?

Yes, falling in love with your captor is possible and it’s no different than being held hostage. If you find yourself unable to get out of an abusive relationship, or have stayed in unhealthy relationships before, there’s a possibility you may be “stuck” as a result of the trauma bond. This type of survival strategy …

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Are You Being Gaslighted by a Borderline Personality?

How to Tell if Your Partner is Gaslighting You

Relationships can be difficult at times to navigate, but they’re even harder when your partner is suffering from mental health or personality disorders, such as borderline personality disorder (BPD) or narcissism. People with borderline personalities have an unstable personal identity, they can suffer from paranoia, are often suspicious, and can make your life a living …

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