Drug or Alcohol Addiction Recovery: Causes of Relapse and How to Avoid It

Causes of Relapse and How to Avoid It

Drug or alcohol addiction recovery isn’t always a smooth process. Rather, it can be a bumpy road that involves many ups and downs before curing the addiction problem. Studies have shown that more than 60% of people will relapse when in recovery, at least once. However, a relapse or two doesn’t mean you’re back to …

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What Does Being “In Recovery” Mean?

What Does Being “In Recovery” Mean?

Recovering from addiction is a gradual and lifelong process. Even after months of rehabilitation, recovery will continue to be an evolving process. The phrase “in recovery” is often misinterpreted, misunderstood and overused. It’s true that “recovery” is lifelong. With appropriate supports in place, for many, the process of recovery becomes easier with the passage of …

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The Highs and Lows of Recovering During a Pandemic

The Highs and Lows of Recovering During a Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused much stress in the lives of many throughout the world. Many have become too afraid to leave their houses due to worries of passing the virus along to someone else, or contracting it themselves. Giselle Abramovich from Adobe Blog reported that, despite many American businesses struggling from the pandemic, online …

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COVID-19 Virus Outbreak Triggers Addiction Relapse

COVID-19 – Virus Outbreak Triggers Addiction Relapse

With the COVID-19 virus tightening its grip over the whole world, the citizens are left struggling with not just the pain of losing their loved ones, but also depression, anxiety and a looming sense of bitter loneliness. While those affected suffer in quarantine on hospital beds, living off ventilators, their lungs eroding and their eyes …

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