The Highs and Lows of Recovering During a Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused much stress in the lives of many throughout the world. Many have become too afraid to leave their houses due to worries of passing the virus along to someone else, or contracting it themselves. Giselle Abramovich from Adobe Blog reported that, despite many American businesses struggling from the pandemic, online shopping has increased due to civilians purchasing necessary items – such as food, masks, or toilet paper – online to better protect themselves and still have the necessities they need.

However, not only are financial and physical stressors increasing, but emotional and recovering stressors are as well.

According to Dr. Robi Ludwig from Fox News, those who are recovering from addiction may have difficulty in maintaining their sobriety due to the lack of programs, employment, and social activities that are taking place in person due to social distancing.

Furthermore, those who are in recovery may not have access to some technological means, leaving them feeling isolated and bored. Fortunately, Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous meetings are still continuing virtually in order to offer support.

Likewise, some have taken up drinking as a way to maintain emotional and financial stressors, according to Emily Cassel from Vice. Drinking, as stated by Cassel, may be used by those affected by the virus as a way to cope with boredom, isolation, and lack of employment for those who are unable to work. However, connecting with loved ones and therapeutic professionals, and completing activities and goals that can be accomplished at home may be able to help relieve emotional stressors.

Sarah DiGiulio from NBC News encourages readers to remain productive and connected in this time. COVID-19 has upended lives – but hope and relationships don’t have to be lost.
