The Aging Narcissist – The Older, The Bitter

They say the only worse thing than having to deal with a Narcissist, is having to deal with an aging one.

Narcissist are desperately self-centered people. Their craving for attention and drama is never-ending. And they can go to all ends just to make sure they’re seen, heard, and most importantly, obeyed.

A Narcissist sets the rules.

They attempt to make the lives of everyone around them miserable by torturing them mentally and manipulating them to fulfil the empty void and vicious need for constant drama, triangulations and grooming of the next “flying monkey”.

Adjusting to the reality that the prime years of one’s life have now passed, and facing the bitter truth of mortality can be painful. While some grow more mature and wiser as they age, a Narcissist tends to retain and amplify their child-like personality traits.

A Narcissist is someone who enjoys being in the spotlight.

And this constant need for praise, attention and adoration does not fade well or fade away with age.

If age ever makes a Narcissist feel vulnerable, he/she copes by subjecting themselves to ongoing surgeries and procedures in the hope of making them look ‘good’ and/or repair real or imaged wounds. This is a particularly insidious downward spiral for many narcissists, who then add “prescribed” pain killers to a history of drug addiction and ongoing relapses.

Narcissists hate when people ridicule them for ‘not acting their age’, and a volcano of bitterness erupts within them when they feel defeated, denied, or victimized by the brutality of life.

Bitterness and rage is aggravated with age.

As Narcissists age, they tend to turn into a worse version of themselves, and the bitterness and rage is only aggravated from there. With their abilities to charm, manipulate, bully, and impress diminishing, a feeling of spiteful and angry desperation and paranoia develops within them.

In some cases, aging Narcissist even blame others for what they’re going through and for “stealing” their youth from them. When they feel isolated or abandoned, they get angry. When desperate for control, they return to being abusive. When deluded and depressed, they become rigid and mean and the cycle continues.

So, if you’re in relationship with a Narcissist, grey rock your way out now, before you find yourself with an aging one. Support in the form of coaching and counseling is available, and certainly can help as you navigate these “narc” infested waters.