How the Narcissist Lures Prey

Self-absorbed, unempathetic and utterly selfish, narcissists rarely ever mean what they say. They always be focus on trying to control, manipulate, and abuse you either physically, emotionally, or in some cases, even financially.

If you’ve been unfortunate enough to end up in a toxic relationship with someone who continuously praises him/herself, is extremely self-righteous, has a fragile ego, and lives off others’ pain, beware of their manipulative tongue!

What Narcissists Say and What They Really Mean

Let’s face it, a narcissist can never be trusted.

You can’t rely on what they say, believe the emotional statements they make, or know for sure that they actually love you. They’re in it for the drama, and they’ll go to any extreme to get it.

Here are some common things narcissists say to their victims and what they truly mean by it:

  1. I love you

No, they don’t. They love manipulating you, owning you, and controlling you, and that’s why they’re always trying to change how you think and feel about yourself. It’s a trap!

  1. You’re overreacting

These words come out when you try to face your narcissist partner or tell them how they’re making you feel. At this point, they’d either say they’re sorry you feel that way, or tell you to stop being oversensitive.

  1. She/he’s just a friend

Not all, but most narcissists have affairs outside of their relationships. They always have a backup plan and are ready to replace you if you ever manage to exit their abusive trap. Complain about their shady behavior and you’ll become the controlling one.

  1. Let’s stay friends / Why can’t we stay friends?

Trying to escape the toxic relationship? It’s not so easy.

Their hoovering tactics won’t let you stay away in peace for long. You’ll receive phone calls, apologies, gifts, ‘love you’ messages, and more. Remember, these are all ‘hoovering’ tactics to get you back into their web!

Want support escaping the narcissist’s trap? Your virtual counselor can coach you through the journey, successfully.