Empowered Thinking

“The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven.” – John Milton

It’s true, you are what you think. Your thoughts can have an immense impact on how you feel, what you do, and the decisions you make.

What goes on in your head doesn’t just stay there. Your thoughts seep out through your actions, behavior, and words, and their impact is visible in both your work and personal life.

One of the most effective ways of training your brain for empowerment thinking is through positive self-talk!

How to start feeling more empowered?

Everything you think creates your life, determines your success, and makes or breaks your relationships.

Want to start creating positive situations in your life?

Here are 3 easy ways you can think thoughts that will empower you at work, in home, and in your personal social circle:

  1. Positive Self-Talk: According to experts, positive self-talk can be highly effective in helping change the way you think. Saying positive statements to yourself out loud, such as “I can do it”, “I am smart”, “I am worthy”, etc. May feel awkward at first, but once you develop the habit, it will feel nourishing and you will start seeing the positive outcomes of this thought behavior connection in all you do.
  2. Be Mindful of What You Think: A human mind thinks around 70,000 thoughts in a day, many of which can affect your emotional health negatively or positively. By simply being more aware of your thoughts and avoiding reacting when emotionally charged in undesirable situations, you can make your everyday life more peaceful and happier.
  3. Differentiate Between Helpful and Hurtful Thoughts: Once you’re aware of your thoughts, you can begin differentiating between the helpful versus hurtful ones. Let go of behaviors that do not produce health and happiness in your life.

You are powerful. Empowerment is in knowing what thoughts serve you well from those that cripple your mind and life. You have every ability to train your brain to think positively!