Flashes of Sensory Memory

Flashes of Sensory Memory

Human memory is powerful, complex, and a process that occurs mostly involuntarily. We’re capable of remembering all kinds of information – from how a person looked to how they smelled or what their voice was like. Memories that are evoked by sensory cues, such as smell, touch, noise, taste, or sight are sensory memories. These …

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Grieving When Your Pet Dies

Grieving When Your Pet Dies

The death of a loved one, be it a family member or your pet, can be equally sad and can lead you into an abyss of grief which seems to never end. Grieving the death of your pet is a process that is understandably difficult, since you’ve not just lost a furry friend, but also …

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False Memories: About Imaginary Realities and Distorted Truths

About Imaginary Realities and Distorted Truths

Our brains can play games with us at times, and false memory is just another example. The term false memories refers to a distorted or fabricated recollection of an event that happened in the past. It’s common among individuals to recall a childhood event falsely, or have a memory of something that did not actually …

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6 Ways They’re Controlling You: Types of Abuse

6 Ways They’re Controlling You

Abuse isn’t always physical. It’s not only about how many times they hit you or how much physical pain was inflicted. Abuse can be a lot more than that … What are the Types of Abuse? If you’re unsure whether you’re being controlled by abuse or not, going through these types of abuse may make …

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Drug or Alcohol Addiction Recovery: Causes of Relapse and How to Avoid It

Causes of Relapse and How to Avoid It

Drug or alcohol addiction recovery isn’t always a smooth process. Rather, it can be a bumpy road that involves many ups and downs before curing the addiction problem. Studies have shown that more than 60% of people will relapse when in recovery, at least once. However, a relapse or two doesn’t mean you’re back to …

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What Does Being “In Recovery” Mean?

What Does Being “In Recovery” Mean?

Recovering from addiction is a gradual and lifelong process. Even after months of rehabilitation, recovery will continue to be an evolving process. The phrase “in recovery” is often misinterpreted, misunderstood and overused. It’s true that “recovery” is lifelong. With appropriate supports in place, for many, the process of recovery becomes easier with the passage of …

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NA vs. AA: Which Is Best for Recovery?

NA vs. AA: Which Is Best for Recovery?

NA (Narcotics Anonymous) and AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) are two of the most influential and effective substance abuse recovery groups. Thousands of people have benefited from these two programs to cure their alcohol or drug addictions. The question is, how do these programs measure up against each other? Which program is right for you if you’re …

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