Am I A Narcissist? It Depends On How You Treat Others

Narcissism is not just about how a person thinks of themselves, it’s more about how they treat others.

Narcissistic abuse is mostly emotional, but it can also be physical, sexual, financial, and spiritual. It involves psycho-emotional violations, such as constantly judging the other person, belittlement, and even blame.

Moreover, even at times when the abuse is non-physical, it can be unendingly traumatic and often leaves scars on the mental health of victims.

We all live in a massively materialistic and selfish society where all good seems to find its way to those in power, or those who belittle others to become more powerful.

And yes, we’ve all met someone who has the poisonous habit of walking all over others, and making everything about themselves, no matter the situation.

Narcissists often appear to be nice people, they may be good at many things, and it seems like they’re fun to be around, until you realize that the only person whom they ever listen to, is themselves.

What do self-obsessed, egotistical, conceited narcissists do?

Being in a close relationship with someone diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder can be emotionally draining, distressing, damaging, and traumatizing. It can feel like being on an endless rollercoaster ride that is constantly moving from one extreme to another. One tornado after another…

That’s because:

  • For a narcissist, all that matters is ‘what I want and what I have to say’. They ignore, minimize, negate and dismiss other people’s opinions.
  • A narcissistic individual often behaves like he or she knows more and is always right. Whenever you’re together, they’d be the one who talks more and would suck up the air in the room.
  • Most of the time, narcissists behave like they’re above all rules, they can have affairs, and when they want something, they need to have it.
  • They hate being criticized and their self-esteem is hurt easily.
  • Narcissists may even respond with aggressiveness, and when they do, it is NEVER their fault.

It’s the low and extremely fragile self-esteem of a narcissist which creates their need to belittle and be better than others. They always have, a “one-up” on you, regardless if it is true. Being with a narcissist can easily turn from happy-go-lucky fun and loving, committed and adoring, to cold, critical, and unfaithful.

Watch your six with this one.