A Narcissistic Valentine

Having to spend the most romantic day of the year with someone who loves not you but the idea of controlling you can be a painfully traumatic reality.

If you’re the scapegoat of your narcissistic partner, your Valentine’s day will be especially hard, but it may even lead you to thinking, ‘How can I end this relationship?’

What to do when in a relationship with a narcissist?

Narcissists will always claim to love their partners, but do they really know what love is?


They may show love bombing-passion in the early stages of a romantic relationship, but they’re only in it for the drama.

For someone suffering from a narcissistic personality disorder, the power to control others comes above all else. They’ll belittle you, make you feel ignored, manipulate you, gaslight you, and prefer to take pleasure in your pain.

How to stay sane when in relationship with a narcissist?

By ending the toxic bond and cutting off all ties! It’s like asking how to start hearing if you’re deaf.

Remember, a narcissist will never love you, they don’t even love themselves. They’re extremely self-centered individuals with no concern for the pain and problems of others. All a narcissist wants is attention and they can go to any and all means to get it.

But …

Cutting off all ties with a narcissist isn’t as easy as it may sound. Your crazy partner will try to ‘hoover’ you back into their toxic web with lots of lies and deceiving messages or calls, telling you things like ‘I still love you’, ‘I miss you more than anything’ and ‘I’m sorry to have made you feel that way’.


If you’re having a hard time ending things with a narcissist, or if your emotional state isn’t in good shape, get help from your virtual therapist and don’t let the narcissist, back into to break you.