By now you must’ve already heard about Cannabidiol and the fact that it can help with anxiety and chronic pain.
Cannabidiol oil is actually derived from cannabis and contains chemicals similar to those found in marijuana plants. However, taking CBD doesn’t give the ‘high’ effect which is the reason why it has been legalized in the U.S for both medical and recreational purposes.
Health benefits of taking CBD
Cannabidiol, or CBD, has grown weed-like into the daily lives of numerous users, becoming a part of daily dietary supplements and turning into a prevalent remedy for several common ailments. It’s a hot buzzword in the current market, and there are many solid reasons why.
Here’s what you need to know about the health benefits of CBD oil:
- Acts as an Anxiety Reliever: CBD oil can help manage stress, anxiety, and insomnia. The drug is also known to treat the symptoms of PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder).
- Helps Treat Seizure Disorders: Researchers have claimed CBD might be a possible treatment for epilepsy as it can effectively reduce the number of seizures in an epileptic individual.
- A Remedy for Neurodegenerative Disorders: Researches are being conducted to study the use of CBD oil in treating neurodegenerative disorders, such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and stroke.
- Aids in Pain-Relief: CBD is an effective pain reliver and can help manage chronic pain, such as muscle pain, spinal cord injuries, arthritis, etc.
- Prevents Acne: Being Anti-inflammatory, CBD can help in acne management. It can also help prevent the activity in sebaceous glands that’re responsible for producing sebum.
- Prevents Cancer Cell Growth: According to some recent studies, CBD can help prevent cancer cell growth and manage cancer treatment side effects. However, researches regarding CBD’s role in treating cancer are still in the early stages.
How to use CBD?
Simply mix the oil into a gel or cream and rub it on your skin. You can also take the drug orally in the form of capsules, but don’t forget consulting with your doctor before you start taking CBD. Also, remember that it’s not FDA approved and may have side-effects.