Supporting Your Transgender Child: How to do it?
In a society where transphobia runs rampant, it’s common for parents to mistreat, mishandle, misgender and reject their child if …
Non-Binary: Being Misjudged, Misgendered, and Misnamed
Gender is a social construct. An abstract idea. But the rules of gender are too strong to be broken or …
Coming Out Can Be Huge!
The process of ‘coming out’ to your parents, or anyone else in your life, involves three basic steps: (1) Understanding …
LGBTQIA2S: Thriving Despite the Social Stigma
Although a person’s sexual orientation and gender behavior has no direct impact on other people’s lives, having to live with …
Is Your Language Gender-Inclusive?
“Sex is biologically determined at birth, while gender is a social construct” – Dr. Alexandra Sherlock In English, the terms …
Summertime Blues or SAD?
A lot of people can feel somewhat lazy, sad, and fatigued during the sunless winter days and long cold nights. …
What is Complex PTSD (cPTSD)?
Dysregulation, hopelessness, worthlessness, and difficulty in interpersonal relationships, these are some of the symptoms that people with cPTSD suffer from. …
Living with PTSD: Flashbacks, Anxiety, and Panic
Are you dealing with haunting memories? Do you suffer from extreme anxiety and panic attacks? Are regular flashbacks of a …
Depressed? Talk Your Way Out!
Nearly 800,000 people die every year due to suicide, and depression is a common reason why they do what they …
Do I Have an Anxiety Disorder?
In most cases, when stress hits, anxiety is bound to follow. A lot of individuals experience extreme stress and anxiety …
Micromanipulation Tactics – Eyes Wide Shut
Narcissists are a tough bunch. It’s not just hard to live with them, it can be impossible and unbearable. The …